Credit Rating Agency
The First Official Fintech Credit Rating Agency
Corporate Credit Rating
modefinance is a registered credit rating agency
modefinance, as a registered Credit Rating Agency in accordance with EU Reg. 1060/2009 and following link, issues solicited and unsolicited credit ratings to non-financial companies and banks under "issuer-pays" and "subscriber-pays" models. All ratings are issued according to the following rating scale, and are available publicy or via subscription directly from the present website.

modeFinance rating process involves the use of MORE and RATING Methodologies
modefinance independently develops procedures, criteria and models that constitute the foundations of its credit rating activity. Corporate and bank ratings issued by modefinance are the result of two methodologies: the first, purely quantitative, is MORE Methodology, widely tested on millions of companies and thousands of banks worldwide during a continuous scoring activity; the second methodology, RATING Methodology, implies the intervention of modefinance team of rating analysts, who are responsible for the activity of issuance, monitoring and publication of all the credit ratings.